blogs on helping

The exeprience for a Montana family proved rather short and left both with a bitter taste. sort of a let no good deed go unpunished

this one had a slightly different angle. More of a feeling of realizing a bit of what it was like dealing with the frstrating system when she goes out to help. It becomes a growth point, but also it seems like the people responded differently to taking personal responsibility.

Interesting seeing the comments from others assessing from outside.

At any point one opens their home and lives to others, they wager that they will encounter a plethora of outcomes: unthankfulness (I mean Christ did heal 10 lepers and only one came back to say thank you.) a strong friendship that lasts after the other person is independent again, and much in between.
The question is ‘why’ open one’s home. Obedience to God’s leading or because you want a bit of a pat on the back and recognition.
The hurricanes continue to test our personal and national mettle.



