Month: June 2018

  • disabled or inconvenienced

    From my observations of folks with disabilities, attitude determines more than aptitude. The one-armed man played sports in high school, carried a baritone in marching band, finished college and landed a job in a bank cashing disability checks for men who asked, “Why are you working? You could get an SSI disability check and stay…

  • Well planned visit

    “We are coming to Arkansas the week of my birthday.” my son Nate announced. We? As in wife Joy and children Sophie,10, Sam, 8, and Henry, 5. Great! My toys needed someone to play with them. I lacked the energy after two weeks of non-contagious stomach issues. “Come! I may not be the perkiest hostess,…

  • Human guinea pigs

    I never could quite understand why it costs so much to do research on the simplest issues until my loved ones moved near a city with many research projects. Few volunteers will perform mundane, ordinary and uncomfortable activities. If you pay them they will come. The best paying gig took 12-days in a hospital. Through…

  • Navy reject become Army star

    Rejected by the Navy, valuable asset in the Army With the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the late Max Cripe, of Goshen, Ind. joined the hordes of young men crowding around the recruiting office eager to join the Navy and go to sea while fighting for his country. He wanted out of his landlocked home state.…