Month: July 2018

  • The Brannock Device

    Each fall, Mom bought new clothes and shoes for the first day of school. My new dress came from the Montgomery Catalog, but new shoes required a trip to the shoe store with floor to ceiling shelves of shoe boxes and more hidden in the back. The clerk pointed us to the slick vinyl seats…

  • One of Those Days

    Some days just do not flow at all. Take today, for example. Two stop signs away from my 9 a.m. exercise class, I waited on the heavy truck to make the turn uphill onto the street. This was not some hilly road in the mountains but still, for a driver unfamiliar with standard shift and…

  • Kids need an interpreter

    Sometimes children need an interpreter to talk with adults. Take the week the big kids went away, leaving the seven year-old behind. Her mom had an evening meeting, so at breakfast her dad whispered, “While mom is at her meeting, I think we should go on a date.” She looked confused. A date? “That is…

  • Reclusive Ora and WW2

    World War II loomed over the farmer’s nearly grown sons as the family of six sat down to eat their evening meal. As he picked up his fork, George Waight asked his wife, Ora, “Did you see any planes today?”  “No. I didn’t,” Ora summarized her four hours as a volunteer whose job was to…

  • only 15 minutes

    Looking around his room, my dad said, “It wouldn’t take more than 15 minutes to pack this all up and go home.” He knew what he was talking about. He began packing and leaving the fall he went to college a couple hours away from home. Once his parents had helped him arrange his room,…

  • Facebook says I’m lazy

    Facebook called me lazy, “You have not posted anything in nine days.” Nine days? I may not have posted on my FB page, still I have commented on the Facebook pages of others. I gave my daughter-in-love “thumbs up” when she posted a picture of her newly minted certificate to be a Certified Lactation Consultant.…