Category: children

  • It’s great being Katie

    It’s great being Katie. At 17 months, she receives the the royal treatment. Her personal lady in waiting (aka “Mamma”) personally dresses her every day. Katie does not have to do anything about putting on shoes, socks, shirts or shorts. Her personal hair dresser pulls her hair up to the top of her head and…

  • Thanksgiving table

    The weekend project proudly took its place in my daughter’s home – a year after she requested that her father build it. OK, she knew it would probably take a couple of weekends, maybe even three, but she knew what she wanted – cushioned benches built into the wall and a coordinating table. The tops…

  • Wrapping up the year of Operation Christmas Child

    I can be a cheerful giver – especially when it involves the retail and fabric therapy necessary for gathering items through the year to fill shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Retail therapy leaves me quite cheerful. I love scoring great prices on toys, small items of clothing, school supplies or hygiene items. Such fun to…

  • Rules, right back at you, Mom

    My nephew, Jeremy, and his wife, Tara, have seven children from four months to 12 years old. Tara homeschools and takes the children to music lessons. She maintains a private family blog about their children. With their permission I am sharing a recent posting about discipline. Last week there was a family discussion about how…

  • going back home with the kids

    Childhood memories dictate my daughter’s summer visits. They had barely cleared the doorway when she began planning a hot dog roast in the back yard with her children. We still use the same spot where she burnt plenty of dogs. I realized the torch had passed to the next generation when her seven-year-old son proudly…

  • Cooking ahead, just once

    When I began working at the News-Times, my children had 10 days of summer vacation left. I thought it might be a problem keeping them occupied during the day. No problem, as far as they were concerned. They prefer to stay up late and sleep in until noon. They also preferred to not vacuum, not…