Category: stress

  • You’re only as old as you look, and if you smoke you look older

    As if we needed any more proof to encourage us to avoid the destructiveness of smoking, a friend on Facebook just linked me to a website comparing identical twins: One twin smoked for a number of years, and the other did not. No need to read the identifying legend underneath … just observe the facial…

  • Klutzy day

    “Having spilled my coffee all over my desk today, sprayed myself with my coke yesterday and stumbled over my own feet so that I dropped and broke my favorite coffee mug…. I have declared myself stressed and klutzy. It’s time to go home and gather up my pieces.” That was a statement I posted on…

  • Study until it hurts then keep on until it is a joy

    The perfect child does not exist, so why is it always a surprise when we discover that our wonderful children have failed? I don’t know, but the day it happened to my daughter she called to ventilate her shock. Her son Eli reported a very low grade on a paper. “The teacher said that most…