DNA does not lie, but people do.
DNA does not determine a person’s worth with a false scale but in Revolutionary America law makers agreed that for the purpose of the census and determining representation, African-American slaves equaled 3/5ths of a person. When a slave was freed, he magically assimilated another 2/5ths of personhood.
DNA does not lie about the potential parentage of a child, plenty of men who have fathered a child without the commitment of marriage have declared, “it’s not my kid” – only to have a court mandated blood test pronounce them father and child.
DNA does not give anyone a break when it comes to genetic disorders such a Down Syndrome. A pre-natal blood test can accurately mandate when it is time for parents to adjust their expectations for their child.
DNA can negate the testimony of victims who mistakenly choose the wrong person as their rapist.
And, over 100 convicted murderers are now free because of DNA evidence, including a man who was twice convicted of murder, and spent 10 years on death row before the development of DNA testing cleared his record and pointed out the real murderer – who now resides in jail.
If a murderer kills a woman in her first few months of pregnancy, DNA specialists confidently say, “it was a boy (or girl)” and no one questions the gender.
The irony is that in Western cultures, nature’s accuracy in determining personhood is declared a lie when a person insists they are not comfortable in their DNA dictated body. Thanks to a bit of cosmetic surgery, a few prescriptions for hormones and a few hours of legal work, our society now superficially declares that DNA does lie in this one instance.
It is not the DNA which lies. We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us – and our culture when we give in to body dysmorphic feelings. This is not simply a personal issue for a few people. The Kantaras’ divorce and custody case in Florida underscores that.
In 1959, Michael Kantaras was born Margo Kantaras. In 1986 she began (but has not yet completed) a sex change operation and had her name and gender changed legally. In 1989 MK married Linda and adopted Linda’s child. Later Kantaras’ brother became the sperm donor for a child born after the two DNA females were married.
In 1998 MK declared love for another woman and the custody battle began. The court issued an 800 page definition of a man and in 2001 granted MK temporary custody.
Linda asked the courts to declare their marriage void because MK is a DNA female and Florida does not recognize same gender marriages.
In July, the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Lakeland, Fla. said the 1989 marriage between a woman and a transsexual male was legally invalid because it amounted to a same-sex union which is barred by state law. The issue of custody was sent back to the courts to determine if MK will retain custody.
In closing arguments, Linda’s attorney, Claudia Wheeler, said, “If Michael can be a male because Michael thinks he is a male, and because of some surgery, your honor, then we’re headed for big trouble… It will create utter chaos.”
Will create chaos? When it takes 800 pages to define a man? We are already there.
DNA does not lie, but humans do, to each other and far too often to themselves.
DNA does not lie but humans do
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