The best Christmas is the one you spend with friends, family, good food and enjoyable activities. So when people ask me what I want for Christmas, I have the perfect answer, straight from C. S. Lewis, “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.”
What do I want for Christmas?
That’s an easy demand.
I want an absorbing book
And time that I command.
55 word stories
Idea from this website:—
Christmas List
“What do you want for Christmas?” he asked.
“A really, delicious book and time to enjoy it,” she sighed.
Christmas morning, he handed her a cookbook and put on his coat to leave for the day.
She gave him an ominous look.
He ran. Too late.
He told the doctor it tasted a bit dry.
”Tis the Season for Sibling Rivalry
“Mom loves you best,” they eyed each other’s gifts.
She heard their argument. “I love you both.”
Each measured gifts and showed her she DID NOT.
Mom gathered their gifts and gave them to the poor, then handed them brushes to scrub the floor.
As she left, one hissed, “your brush is bigger than mine.”