Triple A musings

Concept I came across recently … how well does it work for you?

Just because we accept a person does not mean that we approve or agree.

Accept as in recognizing their value and worth as a person (in spite of their natural tendency to sin, including those sins which may personally hurt us) … but not approving of the ways that they sin? Not necessarily agreeing with everything they do.

So while I accept a person and enjoy spending time with them, I do not with my spending time with them convey that I approve of everything they do.

If I agree with them on many issues, I do not necessarily approve of their ways of chosing to act on those issues  (I may be against a political party as you are, but I do not approve of violent actions against their headquarters during elections.)

Or in the Christian faith … I accept a brother/sister in Christ who is Amish, but I do not agree with their reasons waiting until a person is at least 18/21 years old before they can be baptized or join the church. But I do approve and agree of their having vocally, deliberately chosen to forgive the gunman who attacked their school children. They in turn may not approve of my use of a vehicle or electricity, but agree with me on the need to be separate from the world.

So most of the time I will probably approve and agree.

Is the opposite possible that I could approve and agree with someone’s actions and philosophy but not accept them?


