As painful as the subject proved to be, last week’s column on leg cramp cures nonetheless provoked many comments and emails from readers. Folks offered both my husband and I their own stories and solutions.
One reader just wanted to know where I found the canned mangoes. At the time I did not know a local source, but since then I have seen mangoes canned, frozen and fresh at the city’s largest grocery store. Look in the produce department for canned and fresh mangoes. They keep frozen mangoes in the fruit section of the freezer.
The wife of a pharmacist said her late husband had used tablets with quinine in them.
That same ingredient plays an important role in the following email.
“I read your editorial in today’s newspaper about your husband’s leg cramps. I too suffer from severe cramps like your husband’s and mostly at night. The only difference is mine are in my feet and toes.
I have tried everything to get rid of them, i.e. potassium supplements, bananas, calcium, but with no real success. I finally found some homeopathic leg cramp medicine a few years ago, which contains quinine. I don’t think doctors like prescribing quinine anymore, so I only use it when I am in excruciating pain. They work quickly for me in about 15 to 20 minutes, but I am afraid of the long-term effects from using them too often. The tablets are in a red box.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your editorial and let you know I’m going try the mangoes. I would much rather try natural foods and vitamins than the over-the-counter medicine. I hope they work as well for me as they do for your husband. I also thought about something else your husband might try and that is the new V-8 Fusion drinks. One is tropical passion fruit (I think). It has the highest amount of potassium out of all of the other flavors. I can’t remember if it contains mangoes though, but it just might.
Thanks again for writing the article! Lisa Ham
Actually I did purchase similar pills for my husband last year, but he refused to take them because of other medications he takes. Perhaps he could consider another reader’s suggestion. The reader, who asked to not have her name published, offers her solution for those who do not want to eat the fruit.
“I read with interest and amusement your column about your husband’s nightly cramps. In the past, and sometimes recently, I and my husband, have been bothered with the same problem. Bananas did no good! I don’t recall who, but someone I knew suggested a remedy and I immediately tried it with great success. The remedy is simple and tasty and works wonders. I simply make myself a cold, refreshing drink using tonic water, lime juice, and sugar to taste. It makes a great limeade! My doctor told me later that the tonic water has quinine in it and somehow that does the trick. I had forgotten about the curative properties of tonic water until my husband recently began to experience cramps again. One of his friends reminded us to use the tonic water and the problems disappeared!! I’ve learned that getting older can sure be irritating, but am thankful for friends who “remember” for me!
Your husband might try this. To me, it is a bit more palatable than having to eat mangoes every night (Gag!), but then I’m a picky eater.”
If you really don’t want to physically consume anything, Trish Brantley e-mailed: “I have another one for you. Put a bar of Irish Spring soap in a hosiery laundry bag and place between the sheets at the foot of the bed. I have had one there for a couple of years now and my husband has not bolted out of bed with a cramp since. This advice was given to me by Mott Sellers.”
Whatever works for you, I wish all my readers a pain free night.
Leg cramps II
2 responses to “Leg cramps II”
quinine water
I, too, had disturbing leg cramps, sometimes while driving, but mostly at night. My geriatrician suggested quinine water (tonic).
The first 3 or 4 weeks I drank maybe 4 little bottles a week. It has been over a week since drinking the tonic and not a cramp have I had.
My reason for writing is to ask the lady “Why add sugar and lime juice?” It already has 27 grames of sugar and 110 calories. The taste is easy to get used to if it stops the problem. Maybe she needs to gain weight.
I think you have done quite a service addressing this problem in your column. Thanks.
former El Dorado resident
an interchange
We lived in Ephrata for almost 25 years. One of my favorite places to unwind was the park in Akron. I spent almost 6 years teaching in one room Amish schools around the Intercourse area. We are originally from the Pittsburgh area and my heart is still there. My sister lives in El Dorado and we moved here to be closer to family.
Are you originally from this area? I would prefer to be closer to home, but I’m here now and making the best of it. I am working as an Early Head Start Education Advisor at FACT, Inc.
I hope the tonic water helps your husband.
—–Original Message—–
From: Joan Hershberger
Sent: Mon, Mar 22, 2010 9:10 am
Subject: Re: Help for Leg Cramps
Wow! you’re from Lancaster, PA! My son has lived in Akron, PA the last 6 years.
Small world.
I will mention the salt and tonic water to my husband.
On Mar 19, 2010, at 8:23 PM, wrote:
Hi Joan,
I really enjoy your homey columns each week. We are relatively new to El Dorado, having relocated here from Lancaster County, PA in 2007.
My husband and I both used to get horrible leg cramps and our Lancaster doctor told us to drink tonic water. He said 8 oz. a day should do the trick. It contains quinine and it has been amazing the difference it has made. I drink a glass about once a week and he drinks it every night. We get it at Wal Mart and found that the Vintage brand tastes the best. I sometimes add lemonade mix to make it more palatable.
I also keep a salt shaker by the bed and if I get cramps, a little salt on my tongue helps stop them. I’ve never tried mangoes, but will have to get some.
Hope this will help your husband. I would be interested in hearing his results.
Barbara Libengood