Month: June 2010

  • Secret sweets

    The rain fell gently just outside the open end of the aging shed where the rusty drag for smoothing over a plowed field awaited another season of planting. My mom’s chenille house coat hugged me gently as I sat on the wide seat, swinging my legs and licking my ice cream cone of raspberry swirl.…

  • Little ones learning

    “I walked in the bedroom and she was climbing up the ladder to the top bunk,” my daughter’s shocked voice conveyed her disbelief at seeing her 13-month-old daughter joyfully grasping the ladder’s rung. Such safety issues did not come into play with her son – he uses his time observing as he did when carpenters…

  • Share the wealth

    I just had to open my mouth and mention my abundant stash of crafts and cloth to my sister. She heard abundant and thought excess, “Our church gathers up unused crafts and sends them to a warehouse in Canada where they sort and ship them as needed to outreach ministries. If you have extra fabric,…

  • a list of quilts I have made or helped make

    I am posting this here as a reminder to myself of all the quilts I remember making over the years. I had forgotten several when counting up the number for my daughter. Some I actually have recorded with pictures. 1. The brown and yellow picnic blanket from remnants at the sewing factory. Joseph’s mother made…

  • keep it interesting

    “It’s a rule that grandparents have to have interesting things.” I didn’t know that! Not until the Pennsylvania grandkids came last week and repeatedly told us that grandparent rule. They said it shortly after they arrived and had spread out through the house in search of the interesting stuff — which they quickly found and…