Month: May 2012
Eating binge
“We looked for you with your food Wednesday,” the woman quietly said, sitting down beside me. “What!? I left the salad in the kitchen,” I protested. That I had, but betwixt one thing and another, they was still there in the refrigerator waiting to be eaten. Resolved that I would eat them, I took them…
Cleaning the clutter
“If my husband would just put away his stacks of mail and bills,” I groused as I gathered up my magazines, Bible lesson plans and study Bibles to return to the shelf. “Things would be much neater around here if he didn’t leave his sneakers in the middle of the floor,” I grumped, collecting two…
Quit playing word games
Presentation is everything, especially when it comes to swaying public opinion. The irony is how quickly the descriptive words change to engender sympathy on television dramas. On a recent “Harry’s Law” the lawyers argued that the beautiful, college-bound woman should not be punished for providing another student with access to a “just in case” birth…
Experience is the best teacher
As parents we aim to do everything we can to keep our children safe from even a hint of danger; which is exactly why many parents of young children look at the playground slide their child wants to try and opt to slide down with the child – to keep them safe. And ironically, that…
pre-schooler promises
Just another day at my daughter’s home: Feed and change the baby, prepare meals, teach her pre-schoolers manners and love for each other as she sorted out yet another squabble over a toy or activity. Finally, bedtime arrived. And just like any other day, the pre-schoolers reluctantly worked under their mom’s supervision to put away…