Month: May 2015

  • fun with the grandkids

    “Why do you always have to be so serious,” my grandson sighed. I quietly laughed and continued to move him along to go inside and wash up. I know he expresses his four-year-old opinion freely. On Facebook, his mom quoted him as saying: “Quesadillas are not part of a healthy planet.” and “Things without sugar…

  • Precious moments at the chapel

    Figurines and drawings of children with tear-drop eyes never caught my attention like they did some in my family. To me a night at the Precious Moments Hotel in Carthage, Mo,. simply meant sleeping in a room with a couple of cute pictures on the wall and eating breakfast beside gargantuan versions of those pictures…

  • Demise of a dream

    Tucked in the hills of northwest Arkansas near Harrison, stands the circle of abandoned, white limestone rocks testimony to Michel Guyot’s failed dreams of building a French styled castle in Arkansas. Guyot had visited a similar castle building in France and seen the skills and techniques used in the 13th century. Knowing that most Americans…

  • 5-6-15 Dish snob finds perfect buffet

    “So how was the breakfast?” my husband asked as he prepared to check out the complimentary meal offered with the price of our night’s stay at the hotel. “They have a sign that says, ‘We have disposable silverware available for those who ask,’” I replied. No comment on the biscuits and gravy (hubby’s favorite, which…

  • Sitting and rocking like old folks

    There we sat, a couple of old folks at the home place late at night, just visiting, talking over our day. The kids have long ago left the nest and hatched their own young’uns in five different states. Our conversation touched on our next trip to visit family and our preparations for it. We shared…