Month: July 2015
Spare parts
Back pedaling as fast as they can, Planned Parenthood protested loudly when a hidden camera caught one of their executives casually talking about the costs for collecting and distributing body parts. In the video Dr. Deborah Nucatola says, “A lot of people want intact hearts, they want intact nodes. … They want lungs.” She mentions…
Goats are hurting in there
Such sadness, it broke my heart just to watch the video of the little boy holding a blue string tied around the neck of a small, black goat. Shot on the steps of a temple in Nepal, it barely needs the translation given in the captions. The child’s emotion speaks volumes. In the background families…
Lost child
Kids scare the living daylight out of adults, and they have no clue when they do it. Happened to me recently. “Can you come and watch the kids while we go to a conference?” my son asked. Any excuse with the grandkids works for me. We fed the first-grade granddaughter and her toddler and preschool-aged…
Crime does pay some
Crime does not pay, or so they say, but the reality is that crime does pay. It pays the salaries for all the people that it takes to process, track the accused’s paper work, provide and protect for them legally and physically. The first person crime pays is the police officer or the deputy sheriff.…