Month: December 2017

  • Some work while others play

    The winds of winter whipped around our car one Christmas decades ago as we traveled to visit family. The gas gauge edged toward empty. We saw one darkened station after another. Silent anxiety filled the car until a well lit station welcomed us. Gratefully, we pulled up to a pump. Since this happened before self…

  • Santa Claus stories from the past

    “We knew Santa had come when we could smell the apples and oranges,” all the retirees agreed at a holiday gathering. Then, as now, children believed in Santa – for a while. “I believed in Santa for a long time. Then I got a hint he might not be real, so I looked around for…

  • Sam and GI Joe

    The following story came to me from St. Louis where seven-year-old Sam lives. “I woke up at the bottom of a pile of discards. The touch of a woman’s hand woke me when she grabbed and hauled me to a rescue cart. I would survive. I may have lost contact with my buddies from the…

  • The world from Henry’s viewpoint

    We almost missed Turkey Day fun with four-year-old Henry and his big sister Sophie and brother Henry. The stomach bug snagged him out of circulation as we approached their house. “He is sick,” his mom warned us “We’ll come later.” While we waited we found and bought a used child’s train set, just right for…