Month: July 2019
a time to gather, a time to distribute
The rotary cutter I needed hid somewhere in the pile of quilting fabric. A box overflowing with cloth that could not fit into the overstuffed fabric closet blocked my path. I shoved aside quilt blocks to find the sewing machine. The time had long since come for me to re-organize and reduce my stash of…
Is it hot enough?
“Is it hot enough for you?” Yes, it is. It’s hot enough to stay inside, squeeze a lemon and sip ice cold lemonade under the ceiling fan. It’s hot enough to remember being a teenager and tossing hay bales in upstate New York and be thankful I don’t have to do that anymore. Very few…
Nothing can go wrong
I have no need for another cookbook and yet for fifty cents at a yard sale, I could not resist buying two: “The Non-chew Cookbook” and “The Four Ingredient Cookbook.” Non-chewing cooking tickled my funny bone. Chewing always follows cooking, right? I laughed until I read the introduction. This is a serious cookbook for folks…
Katie wants to help cook
The results may not be pretty, but with practice, a child’s household skills do improve. My daughter encourages eagerness. So when Katie, 3, shoved the chair to the counter at my house saying, “I wanna help cook” I said, “you can cut up these peaches.” “I have to wash my hands first,” she held out…
What’s in a name? A lot of fun evidently
If you ask my husband his name be prepared to settle down for a long, long, long discourse of an answer. “Well, my first name was Hershberger,” he responds. They look at him a bit puzzled. “Hershberger?” “Yes, before I was born and before they knew whether I was a boy or girl, I already…