30 days of Thanksgiving

 am so far behind in this month’s posting of a daily item for which I am thankful that today I will catch up and finish all at once. With that in mind, I am thankful for …

  1. My handy husband fixes before replacing anything and enjoys the whole process (well, he enjoys it until it just does not work like he thinks it should.)
  2. Power tools make things easier for my handyman.
  3. Said husband also has begun to join me in my “thrifting” hobby
  4. Our six adult children have their health and strength.
  5. God gave the jobs and energy to provide the daily bread needed for our families.
  6. All eight grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren are healthy.
  7. Family and friends are able to call, text, and message us to keep in contact.
  8. We have so many old and new friends.
  9. We have more than enough to do.
  10. There are plenty of ideas and options to avoid boredom without television.
  11. We possess more than enough food to struggle with being overweight, enough cars that we have a back-up, enough funds to pay the bills, enough energy to get up and enjoy life.
  12. The invention of the manual typewriter spurred subsequent technology with keyboards.
  13. Retirement has given me time to participate in all the activities I could not do when working.
  14. Champagnolle Landing and the exercise equipment and classes keep me flexible and moving.
  15. The used car dealer on College Avenue picked out just the right car for us twice in the last couple years
  16. The El Dorado News-Times welcomes my writing and the writings of other local authors, including letters to the editor.
  17. My friend persisted in saying “Let’s have a sewing group at our church.” We organized one. She and others sewed up a storm for Operation Christmas Child making little bags to hold the toothbrush, comb, washcloth and soap; as well as a rack of dresses and shorts to help fill over 200 boxes.
  18. The Sewing for the Master group at College Avenue Church of Christ provides delightful fellowship and a stash of fabrics in their sewing rooms.
  19. The estate sales and yard sales provide decoration for my house and quilts; I love to find finished cross stitch pieces.
  20. Affordable gas prices allow us to visit our far-flung family, and God gives us the energy to go as often as we do.
  21. A special kindergarten teacher knew exactly the structure and discipline that one high-energy, great-grandson needed when other teachers gave up on him.
  22. Glasses allow me to add reading to my list of many things to do.
  23. We have access to so many books at the Barton Library, the South Arkansas Community College library, the church library and books discarded from other folks’ libraries that I find at yard sales.
  24. A guy comes from a national franchise to control the bugs at my house. I really do not like those nasty, creepy things.
  25. Christian teachers and support staff work in public schools and pray or all the students.
  26. Water and electricity flow from the utility systems.
  27. Potluck meals at church provide a wonderful variety of food.
  28. Digital cameras and means to publish pictures already in scrapbooks are such a time saver!
  29. Well-stocked grocery stores, department stores, general stores and their friendly staff bless us weekly.
  30. Insulation keeps the house warm as the winter descends.

For these our many blessings and so much more, we thank you, God.



