Month: September 2022
Thank you, volunteers
“Many hands make light work” especially the work preceding any community event. Recently I enjoyed the work of others preparing the Wildlife Game Banquet at Marrable Hill Chapel. Except for the bit of food I brought to share, I sat back and relished their handiwork. For instance, Karen Webb spent weeks planning and preparing unique…
Cooking 1907 style
The century old recipe book I picked up recently demonstrates the challenges my grandmother faced in the kitchen as a young bride. In 1907 the St. Katherine’s Guild of Grace Church in Oak Park, Ill. collated a hard bound church cookbook of “Tested Recipes.” Even with decades of kitchen experience, that cookbook challenged me. “Popovers…
Stretching the vocabulary
Count the 370 words added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary this year. Each entered the dictionary after folks used the word in speech and/or writing. Sus became part of our language as lazy folks cut short the syllables of suspicious or suspect. I sus that the dumbphone was developed as a cheap way for folks who…
How far will you go because you love
For my parents, driving the 2,500 miles between Arizona and our hometown in Steuben County, New York took quite a while. With five children in the family, flying never was an option, nor was staying in Arizona. So we drove. We ate sandwiches in the car or had picnics along the way. Sometimes we traveled…