Month: May 2023

  • Age of electronics

    Nate embraces the conveniences of modern electronic devices. We’ll skip over the steps he saves with the remote controls on his TV and garage door. They are so 20th century. As are his cordless electric lawn mower, weed eater and blower. He prefers to avoid dragging wires. Let’s begin with his cell phone – a…

  • Bibliophile hobby

    Lately our house resembles a yard sale for books. It isn’t. No, this bibliophile welcomed a deluge of books donated for Love Packages in Butler, Illinois. In March the Barton Library Book sale yielded a couple cardboard boxes filled with Bibles, sermons, commentaries and devotionals. From other resources the collection grew until by mid-April we…

  • Foster moms – the forgotten mothers

    As I checked off another Mother’s Day last week, I realized few if any mentioned the women who welcomed unrelated children into their homes as foster mothers or legal guardians. The children may not called them “mom” or stay in the home through adulthood, but these women deserve recognition for the mothering they provide. Recently,…

  • Treasured or trashed

    We live, we collect necessary and desired items. We die and leave it all for someone else to sell, trash or donate to a thrift store. You can’t take it with you. Nor can you guarantee anyone else will cherish your stuff as you do. So why the surprise of the shopper when they found…

  • Catching a troll

    Nothing like an emergency call from home, “Mom, there is a troll in the house. Come home, please. I need you, Mom.” Mom heard what her tall, strong, autistic son, ‘Eddie’ said. She really did hear him, but a troll? “Now Eddie, quit playing that game and get your chores done. I have a job.…