Tag: baby
Rules, right back at you, Mom
My nephew, Jeremy, and his wife, Tara, have seven children from four months to 12 years old. Tara homeschools and takes the children to music lessons. She maintains a private family blog about their children. With their permission I am sharing a recent posting about discipline. Last week there was a family discussion about how…
appreciation arrives
It is sooo nice to be appreciated. After three decades of parenting a basketball team of boys and their little sister cheerleader … After years of being a stay-at-home mom guaranteeing our children never had too much time at home without supervision … After putting aside a lot of activities and items I personally might…
first lessons in compassion
A recent e-mail from my sister caught my attention. I thought I would share it with my readers. I find it disturbing to see the parenting trend to “let them cry it out” going around again. Sometimes babies need to be comforted – and some babies need it more than others. That is just their…
Babes in cars
Every time my husband and I had a new baby, we hopped in the car to explore another part of the country. One of our first trips with an infant took us to the top of the Arch in St. Louis – a few years after it was completed. Subsequent babies had their toes dipped…
less cash, more kid time
My neighbor fell so deeply in love that she no longer wanted to work – she wanted to spend all day, every day, with the new guy in her life – her baby boy.This was not what she and her husband had originally planned. They expected her to miss only a couple of months from…