Tag: crafts

  • Thanksgiving table

    The weekend project proudly took its place in my daughter’s home – a year after she requested that her father build it. OK, she knew it would probably take a couple of weekends, maybe even three, but she knew what she wanted – cushioned benches built into the wall and a coordinating table. The tops…

  • Traveling is such a drag

    The drag factor determines how much we pack for a trip. The older we get, the less drag we want. Take our trip to England last year, for example. The roller on one of the suitcases failed to roll just as we began dragging it from Heathrow airport to the train, up the stairs, to…

  • No TV, more get done

    Nothing like doing chores for grandma to impress mom. “You do all that down there? How?” our visiting teenager’s mom asked “No TV,” the teen explained simply. And that is also an answer when folks ask me the same question. Yes, we have a television set – in fact we have two. One in the…

  • Easter in El Dorado

    We always strive to keep visiting grandchildren moving, thinking, creating and away from staring open-mouthed at a television set for hours – which explains my craft cupboard for visiting grandchildren and eagle eye for community activities. We maxed out with Easter activities during the grandchildren’s recent spring break visit – thanks to the community wide…