Tag: language

  • worker man learns the language

    The youngest grandson may not be able to pronounce his R’s and L’s, but Eli works hard to grasp the verbal and physical world around him. Around Christmas time, he figured out a word he had heard many times. “I know why they are called wise men,” he told his mother. “It’s because they are…

  • kids’ eye view

    Babies come and babies grow – tall. Just ask my 2-year-old grandson. He may still be sorting out how to pronounce all the words he knows, but when he knows the meaning, he will not tolerate any mistakes. This month he pulled himself up to his full 36 inches and emphatically told his mother, “NOT…

  • man without words

    As a young deaf boy in Mexico, Ildefonso, watched other children go to school and gestured to his parents that he wanted to join them. They responded in mime that because he could not hear, he was too stupid to learn. Ildefonso grew up without language – let alone the ability to read, do math…